Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome Back!!!

I would like to welcome students back to school. I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer. I spent a lot of time outside with my family and reading!

I am eager to start the new school year and there are many exciting things to look forward to in the upcoming year. As we start the school year, students will make adjustments in learning new names, procedures, and routines. We will spend the first weeks together reviewing procedures and getting to know each other.

Reading and Writing Instruction

This year, your child’s reading, writing, and spelling instruction utilize a variety of resources and techniques. My instruction uses technology and print to meet the needs of students whose reading achievement is below proficient level. The daily instruction, directly address individual needs through high-interest literature, instructional software, and direct whole group and small group instruction in reading, writing, and vocabulary skills.

Math Instruction
This year you child’s math instruction will use much of the Math Expressions materials by Houghton Mifflin. I will be sending home occasion newsletters detailing our units of study. Follow the link for more information on Math Expressions, parent resources, as well as games for students to practice their math skills.

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