Sunday, April 26, 2009

Reading News

This month, we are focusing on making inferences as we read. Making inferences is when the reader fills in the missing information that the writer has not included in the text. This strategy helps students ask and answer questions that are NOT literal and moves them into higher levels of thinking and understanding text.

We also focused on poetry this month. As we read poetry, we are focusing on reading poems fluently and writing poems using a variety of word choices. Students will read a variety of poems and study some different types of poetry and writing.

This month, fifth grade students read and discussed civil rights and read about Ruby Bridges. After reading part of her autobiography, students wrote letters to Ruby Bridges mostly to thank her for being so brave and helping to end segregation in southern school. We are also reading several nonfiction articles about bullying. As we read, students are discussing the main points and learning about different types of bullying, reasons for bullying behavior, and what students can do if they are bullied. Ask your child what they have learned this month about bullying behavior.

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